
Where to attach an invoice from Stripe

jopedderjopedder Member Posts: 5

Hi - I'm new to wave and I've had my first payment through Stripe - woop.

Wave sorted the transaction automatically so I now have a transaction (that I can't edit) for my invoice amount (+£449) and the Stripe Fee (-£6.49). All good. However, in Wave there will be a copy of my sales invoice, but there isn't an attachment of a purchase invoice covering the Stripe cost.

I've now received my Stripe invoice for January, so I uploaded this as an expense of £6.49 as a withdrawal from my business current account.

This means that I now have the £6.49 deducted in two places. I can't edit the sales transaction to remove the deduction from there and I can't attach the Stripe receipt to the sales transaction, so how do I save it within Wave so that all my sales and purchase paperwork is here and I'm not duplicating the Stripe entries?

Is the only solution that I don't attach invoices from Stripe anywhere and just keep those invoices off Wave; this would be a shame as that would be the only receipt that I need to file outside of the platform.

Incase it makes a difference, I'm in the UK and therefore don't get automatic bank feeds.

Thanks, Jo

edited February 4, 2020 in Bank Connections


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @jopedder Hey Jo, congrats on your first Stripe payment and thanks for detailing your situation so specifically! Because Wave is already accounting for the Merchant Fees which are being deducted, there's absolutely no need for you to add the additional invoice. If you need information pertaining to these fees, you can always access our Account Transactions report and filter for the Merchant Account Fees which should give you what you need.

    edited February 20, 2020
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