Syncing takes forever

zulfarhan.symbiotechzulfarhan.symbiotech Member Posts: 4

The title says it.

I have strong internet connection, and I can browse on the internet and use online messaging without any problem, but syncing process takes forever for about 10 minutes already and I can't edit my receipts. Please advise. Thanks.


  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi, thanks for posting. Depending on the number and complexity of receipts they can sometimes take time to upload. A few minutes, or more. If you're seeing that receipts are stuck in processing for hours or longer consistency please let us know.

  • zulfarhan.symbiotechzulfarhan.symbiotech Member Posts: 4

    Hi Charlotte.

    It's been five days, and my receipts are still in queue just like the first day. Please advise.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi, thanks for following up! I've checked our receipts queue using the email address on your user profile here, and I don't see any receipts currently in 'processing' status. If you're on mobile, please try pulling down your screen to refresh (this should bump any receipts in the processing column to ready). If not, could you post a screenshot?

  • zulfarhan.symbiotechzulfarhan.symbiotech Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure how to post the screenshot here since there is no option button to upload screenshot here, just text. I've scrolled it down many times and refresh but it is still "processing".

  • zulfarhan.symbiotechzulfarhan.symbiotech Member Posts: 4

    Correction: it's in the 'processing' tab , but status of each of these receipts stated 'queue'.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi, thank you so much for following up again. I've reached out to our Support and Mobile teams regarding this issue. To clarify, I'm referring to the receipts you have stuck in a queueing or processing state. Additional receipts you upload should work normally. You can also upload via email by sending attachments to, and upload through the web app.

    At this time, I do not have any additional troubleshooting steps to recommend beyond reattempting upload of these images, but I'd be happy to follow up as I receive more information.

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