Ability to hide old/inactive Customers

GrantWHallGrantWHall Member Posts: 24

Preferably, I would like the ability to effective date different types of transactions - like a Customer row. We are a small Homeowners Association and so we typically know when a house is sold and who the new owners will be...etc. So it would be nice to go into Wave and provide an effective date for when the old owner is no longer "effective" and when the new owner will be. Along with effective dating it would also be nice to have a status - possibly this is just something as simple as Active / Inactive or allow us to do some customization by adding Customer statuses in Settings.


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @GrantWHall! Great feature ideas, thanks for sharing this and providing the context about your business, it is really helpful for our team to have this insight when looking into future feature enhancements! Just so I'm clear, it sounds like you want the ability to hide or 'archive' old customers from the customers page in your account? You would also like to have a customer row on Transactions that has an 'effective date', and a place to modify a customer 'status' (possibly from settings)? When a house is sold, would you be updating the 'customer row' on the transaction, or changing the 'status' for that customer? If you have a bit more context, we'd love to hear it!

  • omeganotomeganot Member Posts: 1

    I too would love the ability to hide/archive old customers. I have clients I haven't done business with for years. Want to keep them listed for audit purposes on my old invoices, yet don't need to see them as a client to select for new invoices I'm creating. Would streamline the interface a lot.

  • GrantWHallGrantWHall Member Posts: 24

    @EmmaP, sorry for the confusion. Everything I mention would take place on the Customer page - nothing would happen on the Transactions page.

    In order to Effective Date the Customer several fields would need to be added: Effective Date and Status.

    For example, I have Customer Doe, John. I am notified that his house sold and they will close on Thursday, February 27, 2020. The house is being sold to Smith, Jane.

    If we had Effective Dating - I would go to John's customer record and add an Effective Dated row for 2020-02-27 and change his status to Inactive.

    I would then create a new Customer for Jane and I would set her effective date for 2020-02-27 and her status would be Active.

    If I went to create an Estimate / Invoice today (2/25/2020) Jane would not be available to select, yet, because she is not effective and John is still available. However, if I went to create an Invoice on March 1, 2020 - Jane would now be available as a customer and John would no longer be available.

    At the very least, I would like the ability to hide old Customers, home owners in our case. Currently, I am putting INACTIVE in the first Contact field on the customer and changing the Customer to begin with zz - so I would change John's record to be zzDoe, John - this pushes him to the bottom of the list when viewing all of the Customers and the INACTIVE also shows in the Customer drop down on Invoices - which helps us pick the correct person...etc.

    As always, if you have any questions, just let me know.

  • APOATreasurerAPOATreasurer Member Posts: 4

    I'm also the Treasurer of a small HOA and we have the same issue. We don't need the active/inactive date (although it could be useful) as much as the ability to hide a customer account. We track accounts by the lot number in the development. When a property changes hands we create a new customer account for with that lot number and put "ZZ-" in the beginning of the account name for the former owner. It would be great if we could just 'inactivate' the old account so it does not appear in the customers list and cannot be used for future invoices. But we definitely want to keep the account in the system for reporting purposes.

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