Using a split transaction.

Revelation2122Revelation2122 Member Posts: 2

I'm new to Wave and have set up my accounts and categories. I am now trying to make transactions entries. I need to make a deposit which also has a debit within it. The program will let me make additional notes on the transactions (splits) but I can not use the category I need (a business expense, not another credit) . I have emailed WAVE 3 times over the last 3 days and have had NO response. Acn anyone help me?


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Revelation2122! Thank you so much for your patience with us, I see you were able to get in touch with our Support team! This time of the year is super busy for us in Support but we're working to get to everyone as soon as we can. You can add a negative split line item to a transaction by selecting the 'Discounts and Fees' category. If you have not added any expense accounts you can do so by heading to the Chart of Accounts page and adding an expense account under this header.

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