Income breakdown by month and account

MegRingdalMegRingdal Member Posts: 1

Hi there, I have a couple questions, and hoping someone can help.
I'm wanting to pull a report, showing my income broken down by month. I see they have this feature as a widget on the dashboard, but I can't seem to export it at a report.

Secondly, when you record payment, you indicate whether it is a bank payment/cash payment. Is there anywhere where you can see what percentage of your business was cash, and what was bank transactions?

Really appreciate the help!
Thanks :)

edited October 21, 2020 in Accounting Technical Support


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MegRingdal! Thanks for reaching out here. You can bring up reports that will show your income by month within the Reports section in Wave, but having a month-over-month graph view is not something that Wave can export for you.

    As far as payment reports go, if you navigate to Account Transactions, you should be able to change the Account to the account that you had used whilst marking that invoice as paid. That should be your best bet!

  • Time2GetonlineTime2Getonline Member Posts: 1

    Would love to see the monthly breakdown as well - is there a good place to make requests like this?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Time2Getonline , everything posted in our Community is automatically tracked by the team so I'll consider this a +1 for the feature 🙂!

  • Nancy_J6Nancy_J6 Member Posts: 1

    Please include a report option for income by month. It shows a graph on the dashboard so a report of the same should also be available.

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