
Payments not posting correctly in chart of accounts category

Randy_MRandy_M Member Posts: 2

I was doing some checking and I see an issue with some of my customers.
At a high level customer account balance is fine, but drilling down in a customer is where the output doesn't make any sense to me..

For these customers I have sent them invoices, which they have paid. They paid by check so I have manually recorded the payment.

When I run the "Income by customer" it shows that they have paid all of it (All Income matches Paid Income).


However when I then select the customer to get the detail the details don't match.
I can see that the invoices are marked as $0 balance in the Assest/Account Receivable section, but still shows a balance in the other categories.

What's wrong? How do I correct this?

edited February 17, 2020 in Accounting Technical Support


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Randy_M , thanks for getting in touch about this. Those HOA accounts that you're looking at are income accounts. This is how much you made, so these wouldn't actually zero out.

    Let me know if I'm not understanding your request and I'd be happy to take another jab at it.

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