
My Bank Accounts/CC accounts not showing in connections

joeyb506joeyb506 Member Posts: 4

Hi I have no accounts showing in my accounts and when I added my Credit Card it duplicated ever transaction. Can you please help.


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    joeyb506joeyb506 Member Posts: 4

    Here's a sreenshot.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @joeyb506

    Sorry to hear you've experienced this issue. By the looks of it there isn't a connection. But it sounds like you tried connecting and it duplicated your credit card transactions, however it's not appearing in your connected accounts page. Is that correct?

    I think the best method would be to delete these duplicates and try again. You can bulk delete by selecting the checkboxes on the transactions page, then head back to connected accounts and try adding your bank again. Are you receiving any error notifications here when you try to connect your bank?

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