Customers to be able to select options on estimates

MYalleyMYalley Member Posts: 2

It would be great if customers can make a selection from line items on an estimate/proposal, and the totals update accordingly.


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MYalley and thanks for leaving us with your feature Idea! Curious if you'd be open to explaining, why you would want the ability for your customers to be able to edit your estimate? This kind of context would be extremely helpful in understanding the purpose that it would serve.

  • KeevanKeevan Member Posts: 2

    If I create an estimate with several options then the estimate shows a total of all of these options. I often am in a situation where I am then forced to create several different estimates in order to present different combinations of options to customers.
    My major issue to date is really the Grand Total for estimates that my customers have an issue with. If grand total could be turned on/off for estimates that would be a workable solution for most situations.

    However I like the idea that MYalley has here. I think what MYalley is getting at is sort of like a check box next to each item on the estimate. This would then allow the customer to select the options they want from a single estimate and get a total for their choices only.

    They could then print an estimate with just the selected items to submit for approval. This would be an ideal situation for me also as it would save me a lot of time having to redo estimates with different options each time.

    If the user selection is then sent back to us we convert that to the invoice and we're done! I'm happy to discuss further if you think this is a feature that can be integrated. I definitely will find it useful for my business

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Keevan! Thank you for your input, context, and insight here! I think that sounds like it would be an ideal situation, for sure! Would love to hear from other Wavers in the community if you believe Keevan's onto something here :) I certainly think so!

  • MYalleyMYalley Member Posts: 2

    Yes! Exactly as @Keevan has outlined! I'm a stationery designer, so I quote for the basic invite, but then there are optional upgrades such as gold foil, letterpress, wax seals etc. Tick boxes would be great for the customer to select.

  • MaxSchirruMaxSchirru Member Posts: 3

    Hey @ConnorM any news on this one? I'd like for my clients to have the options to choose between different shipping methods and having the grand total reflecting their choice. For instance I don't charge for snail mail but I would like for my customers to be able to choose an option between standard overnight ($10) express overnight ($20) Saturday delivery ($25) etc. Even just a drop down button where I can enter a flat price would be really helpful.

    edited October 3, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MaxSchirru

    Thank you kindly for your explanation on how this would help your business. Presently we don't have any updates to our estimates roadmap and being interactive with your client's specific needs. I do apologize about that.

    Thanks again for this use-case scenario and don't hesitate to reach out with any other feature ideas you may have for Wave.

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