Journal Entries

Back2ourRoots2_Back2ourRoots2_ Member Posts: 5

Can some one pleas tell me what im doing wrong. I keep adding in journal entries and it saves them, but then it drops them and only keeps certain ones. Im new :)


  • EnsignBellaRoEnsignBellaRo Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    Welcome to the community, @Back2ourRoots2_!

    Can you give a bit more info? What accounts are you using when you make your disappearing journal entries? Do they still show up in your general ledger? You can find your general ledger on the Reports page. If you haven't checked out the Reports page yet, it's worth getting familiar with.

  • Back2ourRoots2_Back2ourRoots2_ Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the reply and welcome :) The entries are just general entries affecting the equity account and then expense accounts. The entries are not in the General Journal.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Back2ourRoots2_, I tried it out on my end and it seems to work fine. My journal entry showed up on my transactions page and in my general ledger.

    Can you walk us through exactly what you're doing, step-by-step? The more details you can give us, the more we'll be able to help.

    If anything looks off to you, send a screenshot with your reply. It can also help us go in the right direction.

  • Back2ourRoots2_Back2ourRoots2_ Member Posts: 5

    Thanks Alexia, I will try and repost the transactions, screen shot it, then see if they disappear again and screen shot that too. Maybe 3 X is a charm....

  • Back2ourRoots2_Back2ourRoots2_ Member Posts: 5

    Alexia - It seems to be fine now. Im not sure what happened the first few times. Maybe i was not exiting a journal entry, although i did save it?? this time i exited after each entry and reopened to add a new entry and everything is there.
    Its just getting used to the system and figuring out the best way to make posts for a new business. Im now thinking of moving my business from a spread sheet to wave. Question, does wave connect to a wordpress website so I could upload the invoices from it?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Back2ourRoots2_.

    It's hard to tell where things could have gone wrong if we aren't able to replicate the issue. In any case, I'm happy to hear that the problem is solved.

    If you're a new user, you might be interested in checking out our Help Center. It's full of useful guides and articles that will answer almost every question you could have. And welcome to Wave!

    There isn't a way to import invoices into Wave from external sources at this time. If that's something you would like to see, I would recommend reading this post and starting a discussion on the subject under the Wave Features category.

  • crawley7crawley7 Member Posts: 8

    its happening to me ,one moment it is showing in transactions and then vanishes ,i am saving it
    so i dont know the story ,some are staying where they are

  • crawley7crawley7 Member Posts: 8

    i have found the answer ,after each entry is saved you have to cross the EDIT TRANSACTION and go to the top again under MORE to enter another journal entry

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @crawley7 Glad to hear that you were able to find the answer through exploration :)

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