Posting an expense from a receipt

JesperJesper Member Posts: 3


Im trying to figure out how to best use Wave - it seems to have a lot of really nice features.

One thing though, that I cant figure out, is how to use the receipt function. Its pretty easy to take a photo with the app, and have it OCR'ed. And then verifying it with the appropiate category and TAX code.

But I cant figure out, how to file the reciept as an expense? It seems like there is no "connection" between receipts and bills/Accounting. Am I missing something here?


Best regards


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jesper.

    That should be automatic after you verify a receipt. There is an exception if you're using an equity account as payment for it. If that's the case, let me know. We're aware that it's an issue and I can offer a workaround.

    If you're using another payment account, can you send me some screenshots of your receipts page and your transactions page? It'll allow me to better document the issue.

  • JesperJesper Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Alexia,

    Thank you for your reply. I seems like I was using an equity account (owner investment) and that was the issue.

    It works as intended with a Cash or Bank account :-)

    Thank you for clarifying this.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to help @Jesper.

    There's an article on the workflow to account for business expenses from a personal account. You can find it here.

    We're working on making that process a little easier, so you can expect better features to come for moving transactions between your personal and your business pages.

    How are you finding Wave thus far? I'm curious about your impressions as a new user. Is there anything you can't find or seems missing that would really help you run your business?

    edited March 15, 2018
  • JesperJesper Member Posts: 3

    Thanks @Alexia for the link to the article.

    So far I'm impressed with Wave and the functionality. Especially considered the cost of it :-)

    One thing though I have been looking for, is the ability to attach PDFs or images to transactions to keep all the documentation in one place. That would be really nice.

    And a minor wish would also be to be able to import items, as I currently am working with a supplier who has around 3000 SKUs. I dont sell all of them, but do use some 100 of them regulary. And I need to update the prices regulary, based on the USD/DKK exchange rate, which is going to be a manual task as I can I see it.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Love the feedback, thanks @Jesper ! :)

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