
Importing customer list *.csv fails to import

MauritzMauritz Member Posts: 5

Hi, Please help (I am starting to use wave first time)
I am trying to import a csv customer list. The preview of the first 5 customers in list (when importing) shows all info correctly in the different columns. But when i click on import, after short while i get a error "Hrmm, we didn't find any new contacts to import. We failed to import xx invalid customers" That is the complete list that fails.

Is this function working in Wave?

I checked my csv file, Heading names/spelling/Capitalization as per sample file
All entries per line separated by comma
Country ISO code ZAF / Currency ZAR (South Africa)
I Even ensured that all columns fields are filled in e.g. no blanks.

Company Name,First Name,Last Name,Email,Phone,Address 1,Address 2,City,Postal Code,Country,Currency
xx,yy,zz,xx@gmail.com,083 444 4444,19 Braam ssssss Straat,Address line,xxxxxxx,0000,ZAF,ZAR
xx,yy,zz,xx@gmail.com,083 444 4444,19 Braam ssssss Straat,Address line,xxxxxxx,0000,ZAF,ZAR

So i do not see a problem. Why is the Wave preview showing it correctly, but does not import it?

Please help



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    chidougchidoug Member Posts: 1

    I am getting the same error message.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mauritz and @chidoug, could I get screenshots from both of you with this error message that you're seeing? Would love to dig into this further and get some solutions put together for us! With that said, I think this Help Center article would be your best bet as far as troubleshooting why these CSVs aren't uploading correctly.

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    MauritzMauritz Member Posts: 5
    Hi Unfotunately i cannot send screenshots now. I managed to import my data long ago now. But what i can say is that the importing csv function need work. It was a stuggle several times before i managed to import data.
    If i remember corectly i filled empty cells, country code and currency symbol was also a problem ( maybe give a clear indication of number of letters), and the preview of data was fine, but when importing it fails. Maybe more error checking and informing the user.Sorry this is all i remember, luckily i only had to do it once LOL
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    BramBram Member Posts: 1

    Having exactly the same issue. Preview looks good (but my currency column is empty) and this is the result.

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    DvaaiDvaai Member Posts: 1

    Hi, Is there any update on this ticket? I am having the same issue

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Dvaai , what browser are you using when importing into Wave? Please ensure you're using Chrome or Firefox and if you're already using one, try the other one to see if that works.

    If that doesn't work, try deleting all of your customers but 1 and importing them into the system. If you're still having trouble, please take a screenshot of the customer in the .csv file and add it to this thread so we can take a further look.

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    hgr21hgr21 Member Posts: 1

    I'm having the same issue. The first 5 clients preview correctly but the import fails. I've tried both Chrome and MS Edge browers but no luck.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @hgr21 , can you try breaking this .csv in half to see where the issue lies? Also, what browser are you using when uploading the .csv file? If you cold try using Chrome/Firefox (whichever one you're not using) and also try uploading through incognito mode.

    If it still doesn't work after the above suggestions, please feel free to attach the .csv here and we can take a look

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    Paul2009Paul2009 Member Posts: 1

    I was also having difficulties importing contacts. In my case the issue was that countries were the full name ("Canada" instead of "CA") and there was no currency code for each customer.

    It would be great if the error reporting could be improved to explain what "invalid" means - if only for the first record with the issue. Even though these fields were incorrect, the preview of the first 5 records did not highlight this.

    edited May 10, 2021
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    JMarie_2019JMarie_2019 Member Posts: 1

    After hours of wasted time I removed the following field data, Company name, country and Currency and saved the CSV file. The import was easy and pretty quick. As a new user in Wave, I have established my client numbers, that would we most helpful if we could import that information. It should be able to be accomplished. I did not use Wave Connect too much of a hassle.

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    SarahHSarahH Member Posts: 1

    The solution is as @JMarie_2019 says -- you have to just delete some fields to make it work, because the Wave error message is not smart enough to tell you what it doesn't like, and there's no info in the CSV template to tell us the precise format for Country or other fields that create this error.

    I initially got the "We failed to import... invalid customers" message but was I able to import no problem once I removed the Country column. Apparently it doesn't like the format "United States". My csv didn't have the Currency column filled in, but it sounds like if it did, that would be an issue, too!

    edited May 2, 2022
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