
Square Integration

DebbyHaltermanDebbyHalterman Member Posts: 1

Can Wave download activity from my Square account?

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @DebbyHalterman.

    Wave doesn't natively integrate with Square, but you can download your Square transactions as a CSV and upload them to Wave as if they were a bank statement.

    Here's a guide on how to upload a CSV to Wave.

    You'll have to pay attention to the format of that CSV document. Wave only recognizes columns for date, description and amount, so you're likely to have to modify that file for Wave to accept it. You can find formatting guidelines here.

    Let me know if you encounter any issues, I'd love to help.

    edited March 15, 2018
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    pamaramapamarama Member Posts: 2

    Is this workaround still the best way to get Square transactions into Wave?

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