
Transferring invoices from Old Wave to New Wave

BibbeoBibbeo Member Posts: 2

Wave community,

We have been using Wave for the last 8 years. We started using it when I started the company with a very small amount of billing. It has now grown to over a 10M a year company that is expected to be over 15M this year. Wave has allowed us quick access to our invoices, and a great tool to help grow our company.

Last week we received the email from Kirk stating that we were on the old Wave system and we would need to transfer to the new wave system. We started going through the process and we found a concerning item. We did not see a way to transfer the 15,000 invoices from our old system to the new system without rebuilding all of them individually.

I wanted to reach out to the community to see if you knew a quick way, rather than rebuilding 15,000 invoices? Or worst case, if anyone was interested in being contracted to get these invoices transferred?

Since we are often asked by our clients for past invoices and details from years ago having them just all be deleted at the end of may would severely handicap us. Also, having 15,000 invoices built by my internal team would take a massive amount of time that we wouldn't have.

Please let me know if we could have a discussion about any options there might be. Thank you in advance for any help.


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    SocorroIS_071218SocorroIS_071218 Member Posts: 7

    We can help out on your challenges with transferring the huge number of invoice to the wave app system. We have vast knowledge of wave environment 2017 and more than 5 years experience in accounting consultation.
    Contact us via email - info@socorroservices.com further discussion and agreement.

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    AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    @Bibbeo - did you find a solution?

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    BibbeoBibbeo Member Posts: 2

    @AccountsPro Unfortunately, we haven't. I have been having to have employees do overtime to do the work. If there was a solution it would save us big time.

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    AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    @Bibbeo - maybe I am going around the mountain, but have you explored this solution:

    If you haven't explored it and are thinking about it, I would suggest a test import into a practise account first, so that you don't mess up your live books.

    edited March 31, 2020
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    Kristian_GKristian_G Member Posts: 56 admin

    Hey @Bibbeo!

    As @AccountsPro has suggested above, Wave Connect is a great tool for moving data from one account to another. Wave Connect is an add-on for Google Sheets (Google's web based version of Excel) that allows you to upload/download information to/from your Wave account.

    Data types that you can upload/download using Wave Connect include customers, products, invoices, etc.

    If you aren't finding that Wave Connect is suitable for your needs, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support team for more guidance!

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    magicwillmagicwill Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    I'm a U.S. accountant of 30+ years experience, based in Chicago. I've been a Wave Pro advisor since 2013 and started using the platform for my business in 2015.
    Are you referring to the system upgrade Wave announced some months ago?

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