
Single sign-on SAML?

asuttmillerasuttmiller Member Posts: 2


Is it possible to configure SAML SSO with Wave? I noticed there is an Enterprise Application connector listed in Azure Active Directory, but judging from the callback URL, it doesn't appear to be a working integration (it points to localhost:444).

I would love to work with you and document the process if it is possible.



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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @asuttmiller! I've had a chat with my development team surrounding this, and unfortunately at present this would not be possible to do within the Wave environment. Thank you for reaching out, though!

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    asuttmillerasuttmiller Member Posts: 2

    Bummer. Thanks for looking into it @ConnorM. Configurable SAML could be a nice premium feature.

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