Connecting a BMO small business checking account.

DaManDaMan Member Posts: 20


I'm new here. I am trying to connect my BMO ebusiness (small business) checking account and I get the error message :

No supported accounts

Your connection was successful but there are no account types eligible for transaction import. See our help center for more information about supported account types.

Am I doing anything wrong? The authentication seems to go fine and I get his message at the very end of the process.



  • DaManDaMan Member Posts: 20

    anyone here?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @DaMan

    My apologies for the delay in our response as we're dealing with a backlog of posts here!

    It appears that the account type may not be supported. Though we offer bank connections with over 1500 banks, not every account type may be supported here. A couple things to make note of:

    1. What kind of account are you trying to connect? Checking/Saving/Credit card? These should be fine, but again not every type of business or personal account can be supported.
    2. When you delete your connection then try to search for your account in the connected accounts search bar, you can see that there are usually several connections for the bank you're trying to connect to. Does your account match the URL for the bank you usually log into?

    Let us know!

  • DaManDaMan Member Posts: 20

    Actually I tried it again and it worked fine.
    Only difference is that there are now transactions. Initially, the account was empty

  • Jon2189Jon2189 Member Posts: 1

    Hoping to piggy-back on this one, I also can't get my BMO account to connect.

    I have 2 accounts: one USD (business checking), one CAD (business checking). The CAD account is my primary operating account (i.e. where payroll needs to come from) but Wave can't seem to find it.

    It's a standard business checking account, at one of the big banks, it must be supported... right?!

    Edit: in the time it took me to delete the connection and re-install it, I was able to sign up for the Quickbooks trial and have all of my BMO accounts integrated. Really want to use Wave, but it's tough if I can't have my bank connected.

    edited April 16, 2020
  • DaManDaMan Member Posts: 20


    I solved the issue - for me at least.

    When my account was new and had 0$ or transactions, it did not work. As soon as there was 1 transaction, it worked fine. This was the case for both of my BMO accounts.

    Hope this helps.

  • RLGRLG Member Posts: 3

    My BMO business chequing was linked for the last 3+ years and now it says that it is not supported...? Any ideas what is happening?

  • dblapxdblapx Member Posts: 4

    @RLG said:
    My BMO business chequing was linked for the last 3+ years and now it says that it is not supported...? Any ideas what is happening?

    You are not alone, I'm having the same issue! I saw some people post it was resolved on May 19th, but not for me. Still can't connect to BMO.

    edit: actually it now works! Thanks Wave!

    edited May 28, 2021
  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @RLG , it looks like our Customer Support team has been able to assist you with this issue via email. That said, if you have further questions, feel free to thread them below :smile:

    Hi @dblapx , I'm sorry you were also having issues, but glad to hear your connection is now back up and running!

    edited May 28, 2021
  • RLGRLG Member Posts: 3

    @KiahD problem is fixed.

    edited May 31, 2021
  • DaManDaMan Member Posts: 20

    Anyone having BMO issues again? I keep having to reconnect. It seems to reconnect fine only to not import anything and them prompting me to reconnect again the next day :-( Maddening.

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @DaMan ,

    I can confirm that BMO is currently experiencing connection issues. Our banking data provider is working on a fix, however I don't have an ETA on when this will be I'm afraid. In the meantime, please use our manual upload methods if you need your transactions in Wave sooner:

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience here!

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