Purchase Orders

BlueTigerBlueTiger Member Posts: 2

It is clear that every user is interested in a purchase order creation function in Wave. It is a crucial part of business expense tracking for my business. All of these threads keep asking for it. When will Wave add this functionality?


  • sleighthompsonsleighthompson Member Posts: 2

    I run my own small business and manage the finances for another, and am constantly turning people in my freelancer community on to Wave. However, not having purchase orders really is stunting my work.

    One of my businesses is fiscally sponsored by another org, meaning every bill we make we have to request payment from them. Without the ability to create a PO I have to go to an external program and re-enter all the data into a form that I can then send to the fiscal sponsor so we can pay our consultants. It's a huge headache, and one that seems easy to remedy.

    Without this feature, I am going to have to consider if we need to move our finances over to a more robust system. Please advise if this is coming soon. Thanks!

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @sleighthompson Thanks for weighing in on this and communicating the value of a Purchase Order to your business. As other users have voiced a similar desire, I'll link you to a discussion about Purchase Order feature requests in Wave: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/comment/16220#Comment_16220

    @Samd's final message is still the latest on the topic!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @BlueTiger , I merged your comment into this one so we could keep these requests centralized. This is definitely something that we would like to add in the future, but at the moment this isn't located on our short-term roadmap. Our product team is in these threads looking for further context on how these features contribute to our users businesses. Would you be able to expand on how purchase orders would benefit the type of business that you're in?

  • HarrowgateHarrowgate Member Posts: 1

    @AlexL I am not sure if @BlueTiger has shared any information regarding his specific needs, but I would be happy to share mine. Right now, we are a small business, around $1 Million annually. We run our entire system on Sage 100 but it is too expensive, outdated and bulk for our company.

    I want nothing more but to switch over to Wave and begin utilizing a more flexible modern approach to our accounting. However, the only remaining roadblock is the inability to create purchase orders.

    We are a Food Importing Company and we order products from food producers all around the world. They will not begin production until they receive a Purchase Order outlining the products we are ordering along with QTY and pricing. Why is it so difficult to add the ability to do two simple tasks:

    1. Create a PO (which will simply let you choose a vendor, choose the products you are Purchasing and the QTY for each). That is all a PO is
    2. Receive in a PO (which is simply converting that PO to an Invoice from the selected vendor)

    They seem like pretty basic accounting needs and principles.

    In the more immediate future, if Wave still does not have this on their "short-term roadmap"; could you atleast allow products created to contain a purchase price and a selling price? The system should allow you to enter the COST at which you purchase the product from and then the sales PRICE at which you sell the product from. This would be necessary of course in the future when and if you integrate PO's into your platform.

    I cannot be the only one who operates this way and requires this framework.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Harrowgate

    Thanks so much for this thorough post regarding your business' journey through the years and the struggles you've encountered in your accounting platforms. We appreciate this additional context greatly. Following Alex's comments, our developers are looking into these threads, though we haven't heard of this on our roadmap.

    If you'd like to check out our inventory tracking article it allows you to keep track of resale on your goods!

  • Michael21Michael21 Member Posts: 1

    PO, PO, PO’s surely when every one seems to be asking for what should be a basic function of an accounting system then it’s a simple answer “we’re on it” personally I have to send a PO to every supplier that I purchase items or services from if I don’t send a PO they won’t supply me fact, at the moment I’m doing this in a word document and then having to keep a separate Database to be able to keep track of them.
    If nothing else please be honest and say either yes we are going to do this and it’s planned for x date or no we are not and then at least we would know and could look at other solutions

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Michael21

    In full transparency we haven't heard of this coming down the pipeline for future updates. I am unable to give you a timeline on whether this will be implemented or not. My apologies for this.

    edited April 13, 2020
  • MZDZMZDZ Member Posts: 2

    Waveez - why not at least allow us, small business owners, to customize the fields in "Estimates" to make the estimates LOOK like quotes. It would be pretty simple to allow just a few fields to be editable (or even blank). I just did this as a test and found that if I could change the word "estimate" to quote or something else, in just a few places, that would be sufficient.
    Thank you,

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MZDZ

    Thanks so much for this contribution. Currently our team has been working on invoicing for the past little while and we are hoping to eventually get to our estimates feature. At this point there is no ETA for this so my apologies, but hopefully the comments in our community will be addressed when it comes to estimate updates.

  • MZDZMZDZ Member Posts: 2

    @BarsinA said:
    Hey @MZDZ

    Thanks so much for this contribution. Currently our team has been working on invoicing for the past little while and we are hoping to eventually get to our estimates feature. At this point there is no ETA for this so my apologies, but hopefully the comments in our community will be addressed when it comes to estimate updates.

    Thanks for responding.

  • funwitheddyfunwitheddy Member Posts: 0

    i can create a bill , but how can i issue a PO, i cant download or attach, even email them

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @funwitheddy , thanks for the question! I moved your comment into this more relevant discussion here. As for POs, this isn't a feature we're currently able to offer, but we're happy to hear your feedback here.

  • Mikeisland1Mikeisland1 Member Posts: 3

    is there a way to create on wave app, items for resale and Purchase orders to send vendors, also how you keep track of inventory received and sold

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @Mikeisland1 , I moved your question here to this existing thread on this issue.

    We don't currently have purchase orders as part of our feature offerings, but thank you so much for sharing this as something you'd like to see in the software. As for how to track inventory, Wave tracks inventory's monetary value rather than its quantity, as our software is for bookkeeping only (rather than project, time, or item management). You can check this article out for more details!: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208623546-Simple-inventory-entry-tracking-in-Wave

  • clangeclange Member Posts: 8

    You might consider tasking a summer intern (remotely-working cs major) with implementing some of these super “simple” features many of your users are begging for.

    “Free doesn't mean fewer features - Just because Wave is free doesn't mean you won't get access to powerful, professional software.”

    Wave has powerful features, I am pretty sure... I’m also very excited to use your software for several businesses. However, I’m spending my time trying to do the simplest of tasks (writing a PO or printing a packing slip) - instead of using Wave for its innovation.

    These two major features are exactly the “fewer features” potential customers are/should be worried about losing when switching to your software.

    I understand you implement features according to your service industry business model. Even “service type businesses” need these simple features! We still buy (PO) and ship things to clients (packing slip).

    “Business Owner First means that ...we prioritize simplicity...”

    Here is a good opportunity!

  • kjhjvlkjvihvkkblkjhjvlkjvihvkkbl Member Posts: 1

    I'm shocked. This issue has been discussed on this forum for at least 3 years and nothing but apologies from Wave. Unbelievable.

    Well, QB here I come. Sad, this looked so promising. But seeing this tells me everything I need to know about relying on this software for my business.

  • Big_Max_of_the_northBig_Max_of_the_north Member Posts: 1

    I agree that Wave NEEDS a P.O. Function.
    The workaround is to "use a second account and make estimates your POs. It looks uncouth and unprofessional when your PO still says Estimate number, Estimate Date and Expiry Date on it though. I am a service provider, buy a majority of my suppliers will not work without a formal PO, some suppliers will not work with my "HaNdyMaN JaCk" POs this means I have to have two official POs.

  • DesciDesci Member Posts: 1

    @Harrowgate said:
    @AlexL I am not sure if @BlueTiger has shared any information regarding his specific needs, but I would be happy to share mine. Right now, we are a small business, around $1 Million annually. We run our entire system on Sage 100 but it is too expensive, outdated and bulk for our company.

    I want nothing more but to switch over to Wave and begin utilizing a more flexible modern approach to our accounting. However, the only remaining roadblock is the inability to create purchase orders.

    We are a Food Importing Company and we order products from food producers all around the world. They will not begin production until they receive a Purchase Order outlining the products we are ordering along with QTY and pricing. Why is it so difficult to add the ability to do two simple tasks:

    1. Create a PO (which will simply let you choose a vendor, choose the products you are Purchasing and the QTY for each). That is all a PO is
    2. Receive in a PO (which is simply converting that PO to an Invoice from the selected vendor)

    They seem like pretty basic accounting needs and principles.

    In the more immediate future, if Wave still does not have this on their "short-term roadmap"; could you at least allow products created to contain a purchase price and a selling price? The system should allow you to enter the COST at which you purchase the product from and then the sales PRICE at which you sell the product from. This would be necessary of course in the future when and if you integrate PO's into your platform.

    I cannot be the only one who operates this way and requires this framework.

    I am in the same situation....
    Knowing what PO's are pending allows me to do cashflow forecasting (still got to pay these bills).
    Also knowing what I paid and what I sold for, will allow me to see if the business is profitable on a line item basis. I would like to see PO being added, and to mix things up a bit further...
    1. Link PO and Bills to clients - to see which client is most profitable.

  • LavumLavum Member Posts: 1
    Hi I run a Small business in South Africa I have been using other platform for my invoices but I find Wave being a simple and helpful online platform to use,the only challenge is having to use other software to generate Purchase Orders and Delivery Notes.

    I would like to have this on Wave as well.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Lavum

    We're always looking for feedback from our customers on how we can improve our software with every update we make. So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through archived tickets looking for feature updates requested by our users. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other improvements you think we could make to our system!

  • EoinEoin Member Posts: 2

    I am with all of the above. I need POs and to be able to receive them in to stock. I also need Delivery notes.
    Wave looks so good but without the above it is just not for me. QB here I come.

  • jbwalker84jbwalker84 Member Posts: 1

    I am just popping by to continue adding support for integrating this function. This function is an absolute requirement for almost any business so I'm a little surprised that Wave lacks that function.

  • RylanRRylanR Member Posts: 0

    From what I can find so far, Wave does not have a component to Produce Purchase Orders as yet. I have several vendors who are requesting them. Does anyone know if this is a planned feature for future implementation? If not, do any of you have any suggestions on how to export my data to another application to produce a purchase order if you are currently doing so?

    edited February 24, 2021
  • emilyjhoffmanemilyjhoffman Member Posts: 2

    Please add a Purchase Order feature!

  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @RylanR , at this time Wave does not have a feature to create purchase orders. That being said, I do appreciate you reaching out and letting us know that this is something that would be helpful to you. As such, I have merged your post into an existing thread we have on purchase orders so that our Product team can see your support for this feature.

    In the meantime, if you are looking for a method to export data from your account, I would recommend trying out Wave Connect. This is our free Google Sheets Add-Ons tool which allows you to easily import/export data to and from your account. For more information, check out this Help Centre article here: Wave Connect

  • TuppyTTuppyT Member Posts: 3

    No Accounting software is complete without PO all companies use PO's. Bills could be used at a pinch but currently vendors are added with email addresses, but you have no facility to email them. Just get onto crowd funding and get the money to add the feature your holding your business back without this feature. If a competitor offers software with PO's were all gonna leave.

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