Cannot Create Discount on Recurring Invoices

ShaneSoloShaneSolo Member Posts: 6


How do you create a discount on recurring invoices? That feature appears to be missing.


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @ShaneSolo At the moment, discounts (on invoices, bills, or estimates) are not a feature that is possible in Wave. The best workaround for this will be to create and item with the monetary amount of the discount as the price. You can then add this as the discount to the invoice. For recurring invoices, the discount product will need to be added on the invoice set. The recurring invoice feature essentially duplicates and sends the invoice in it's original form. If you need to add a discount to just one invoice, then you are best served by stopping the recurring invoice set, creating a brand new invoice with the discount, and then restarting the invoice set again.

    The discount feature is something that is being actively worked on by our product team, however, if applying it to a single recurring invoice will likely still require you ending the set.

    edited March 17, 2020
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