Transaction Search: Search by customer not working

KrutchKrutch Member Posts: 4

I am attempting to search for transactions tied to a specific customer. For example, I have numerous expenses I have incurred that I linked to a specific customer, that I now need to invoice for. However, when I search by customer name, I get no results. This is consistent among all my customers and transactions.

According to this (step 6) you should be able to do this...

What is going on?


  • khayrabkhayrab Member Posts: 2

    I have this issue too. Would make my life easier.
    Now I have to do this ridiculous process:
    1. Reports > Dig Deeper > Account Transactions > Filter to Client
    2. Export CSV & delete aaaaallllll the extra stupid rows
    3. Save as Excel :/

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @khayrab and @Krutch! You're correct - at this time the search function only looks for details in the transaction description/title, and searching by customer isn't currently possible. That workaround is definitely functional, but not ideal for sure (especially given how arduous it makes getting at your data). I'm going to follow up with our Product Team. I know that greater control in filtering/searching in Wave would be incredibly beneficial.

  • khayrabkhayrab Member Posts: 2

    @Samd Thanks for the confirmation. I'd be soooooo happy if the export of the ledger transactions were easier to read/calculate.

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