
Error when creating an invoice through invoiceCreate endpoint

ddnazzahddnazzah Member Posts: 2

I am getting an internal server error when I try creating invoice using the invoiceCreate endpoint


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    DropertDropert Member Posts: 2

    I have possibly the same issue. I am trying to create a Zap with Zapier that connects Big Commerce and Wave Accounting. Even with all the data populated in for creating an invoice in Wave Accounting, I 500 error message:

    Got 500 calling POST https://api.waveapps.com/businesses/business_id/invoices/, expected 2xx.

    I reached out to Zapier support and they told me that this has been a long-standing problem with the Wave Accounting API. All fields in the form are populated, even the ones that are marked "optional". I am assuming Zapier uses the same API which would make this problem the same as the original post.

    Just to be thorough, here are all the field and their respective values:

    Company ABC
    John Appleseed
    Item Description
    this is an apple
    Item Price
    Item Product
    Item Quantity
    Item Taxes
    General Services Tax
    Invoice Currency
    Canadian dollar
    Invoice Date
    Invoice Number
    Invoice Title
    this is a title
    subheading 1
    footer 1
    Additional Notes
    notes 1
    SO or PO Number
    Due Date
    Exchange Rate
    Disable Credit Card Payments?
    Amount Title
    amount title
    Item Title
    item title
    Price Title
    price title
    Quantity Title
    quantity title
    Hide Amount?
    Hide Description?
    Hide Item?
    Hide Price?
    Hide Quantity?
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    DropertDropert Member Posts: 2

    I seem to have the same issue. I am currently trying to create a Zap that connects Big Commerce and Wave Accounting. For some reason, I am not able to create an invoice in Wave. When testing the invoice creation, I received the following error:

    Got 500 calling POST https://api.waveapps.com/businesses/business_id/invoices/, expected 2xx.

    All fields are populated in the Wave form, even the ones that are optional. I contacted customer support from Zapier and they told me that this has been a long-standing issue with the Wave Accounting API.

    This is currently a "make or break" situation for my client. If were are not able to fix this issue with Wave, we will be moving to a new accounting software.

    edited April 4, 2020
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    ddnazzahddnazzah Member Posts: 2

    I have been able to create and send invoice through the invoiceCreate endpoint after providing a salesTaxId. Thanks.

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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @ddnazzah,

    Great to hear you figured out your issue. As you discovered, if you specify tax(es) on a line item, we expect a valid sales tax id for reporting purposes.

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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @Dropert,

    Sorry to hear about your problems using Zapier to push data into Wave. I tried looking for errors your user account, and two connected businesses may have generated, but I wasn't able to match your account to any specific error. Do you know at what day and time you encountered an error? Did you by chance use a different account, and if so, could you direct message me its name to further investigate.

    Looking at your example with the provided values, you don't appear to have a business named "Company ABC" to create an invoice under, nor a customer with the name "John Appleseed", nor a product named "Apples". These need to be real things created in Wave that the invoice can be linked to.

    A common cause of calling that API endpoint you mentioned and getting a 500 response back is invalid input. If you are trying to debug this yourself, perhaps start with the very minimum number of inputs that are required, and incrementally set more options as you build confidence. Apologies that the validation errors at this time are not more informative.

    Hopefully that helps provide some ideas for things to try next. Good luck :smiley:

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