
Bank Accounts Not Updating

benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

Hello, my accounts are not updating. I can hit "Update Now", and the website goes through the motions of updating, but when it finishes, all the account balances are still the same, as if they were never updated. I have reentered my Bank Credentials, but no luck. It's not been working for about a week. How do I fix this? I use Truliant FCU as my bank.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @benabele.

    We use a third-party bank data provider for our Bank Connection system. It allows us to connect Wave to thousands of banks worldwide, but it isn't perfect. Due to the complexity and volume of data involved, occasionally, a bank connection will fail, or a bank will block the connection entirely. Our data provider will get notifications of these failures and act accordingly, fixing issues in priority order.

    I understand how frustrating that can be, but know that the connection will be fixed as soon as it can be.

    You could try to go through the updating process a few times, it sometimes fixes the problem. Otherwise, you'll have to upload your bank statements manually. You can do so by following the steps outlined here.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

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    benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

    Hey @Alexia , let me see if I've got this right.
    So basically Wave uses a 3rd party software that Wave doesn't have any control over. In my case, the software is not working with my bank. Since you have no control over the 3rd party software, you have no idea if or when my bank will begin working again. One thing I can do to remedy my issue upload my bank statements manually. Does that sound right?

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @benabele thanks for posting. I'd like to offer some additional context here, I hope you don't mind my jumping in.

    Wave utilizes a third-party data provider called Yodlee in order to facilitate automatic transaction imports for 10,000+ financial institutions around the world. We understand the appeal and convenience of automating parts of your transaction management and want to minimize the stress and work involved for as many users as possible wherever we can.

    That said, bank connections will occasionally experience issues updating or connecting - something that is an industry-wide problem. This is often because a bank has made some change on its side - whether it's the introduction of an advertisement on a page or the addition of new account security steps - that disrupts the connection to Yodlee. Very few banks are actively helpful (for example, providing direct API access for third-party data aggregators) and occasionally, banks will actively try to disrupt connections like these by taking steps to block IP addresses, etc..

    Regardless of the cause of an interruption to your connection, Wave and Yodlee work together for you, because it is a better experience for you when you are able to use your data as you choose. Most often, the engineering legwork is done on Yodlee's end so we aren't always able to offer specific ETAs, but we can absolutely keep communication open and transparent as well as working to facilitate workarounds wherever they are possible.

    However, I've also just checked your connection in our internal admin and I can see that the status is currently successful which suggests that there are no major issues. It's possible the update is just a little bit laggy. Can you try clearing your cache and cookies and updating the connection once more?

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    benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

    Hey @Charlotte I appreciate your input. Thanks for filling me in on those things.

    I cleared my cache and cookies but still no luck. If the bank connection shows to be successful, what else could it be? Thanks!

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    benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

    I just realized something, the balances are updating and are accurate. The transactions don't come through to process, and my dashboard graph is not up to date, but the actual balances of the bank are accurate. I hope that helps.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @benabele.

    We can send out a request to Yodlee to investigate this. Could you send me a private message with a screenshot of a page of transactions, and another one of your bank statements, so that we can clearly see transactions that have not been uploaded?

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    Double_cDouble_c Member Posts: 1

    I'm curious about this too. I just signed up today but no transactions after March 8th will show up. My bank is Cap One Spark. I've re-entered credentials, readded the account and cleared browser data. My balances are updating fine but missing transactions.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Double_c.

    There's actually a tool to enable on your online banking website for Capital One Spark Business. You'll have to enable the Financial Links tool, which allows third-party data aggregators (like our bank data provider) to export data and upload it elsewhere.

    You should be able to update your transactions once that's done. Let me know if that works!

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    I have the same issue for the past 6 days. I've emailed support and even sent a video of it. I get the same generic response too. I started a trial of quickbooks just to see if the problem existed there too. It doesn't. Works fine on QB, I just really don't want to have to re-learn a new system. Wave is awesome when it works.

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    ali_dali_d Member Posts: 3

    Same boat. Sooo frustrating. I'm about to jump ship and pretty disappointed to have wasted so much time setting up my accounts only to find a few days later that the app is completely unreliable. I get that it's a third party supplying the data connection, but maybe it's time for Wave to find another, more reliable data provider?

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    benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

    Any updates for us @Alexia ? :)

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    @ali_d I agree. I've been using Wave for a couple years now and have some pretty good data built up. I defiantly don't want to jump ship.
    Admins: PLEASE fix wave! It's broke!

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    benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

    @Alexia I'm not sure what this means, but my transactions were uploaded! Unfortunately, they seem to be the opposite of what they should be. For example, an expense is being shown as income, and income is shown as an expense.

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    benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

    @Alexia oddly, only some uploaded. I'm missing about a week of transactions.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @mickleford and @ali_d.

    Can you both give me a bit more information on the issue you're dealing with? Do you get an error message when you try to connect? Can you give me the name of your bank and the page you log in from for your online banking? I might be able to find more information and point you in the right direction.

    @benabele, that's a pretty strange one. Can you give me a screenshot of that? If there's something on our end at play, we may be able to catch it early. I know there was an issue a few months back about credit card transactions being reversed. I'll look into it in a little more depth.

    I also just followed up on the request I sent to our data provider and they say they're still working on it.

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    I can't get anything to sync. I've cleared the cache, deleted cookies & history. Tried a different browser, tried a different computer, restarted my computers and created a new "test" account and tried to import...everything works until the actual import.
    Wave recognizes my bank, logs in, and asks for security question answers, begins the import of balances and transactions and then craps out. So deleted my newly created "test" account and will await patiently until this mess is cleaned up...

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    ali_dali_d Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for replying, @Alexia. My bank is Cambridge Savings Bank (Business Banking) and I get varying error messages whenever I try to refresh the transactions (currently the error is that my bank's website is down for maintenance, which it is not, as I'm able to log in to my account on the bank site without issue). I've tried updating transactions from my Wave dashboard and from the Bank Connections page. I've tried all of the troubleshooting steps with no luck. It's been 12 days since I've been able to update transactions. I thought this could be a compatibility problem with the bank's site, but it worked without issue for about 2 weeks after I signed up.

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    @alexa My bank is First National Bank of Grayson fnbgrayson.com
    I don't get any error messages. When I click update now it goes through the normal sequence of events (refreshing connection, checking security questions, refreshing connection, etc) then after that it just says last updated 1 week ago, or however long its been. No balance change or transaction import. I've called my bank and they say nothing has changed. I've been using Wave for a couple years now so everything should be working just fine. It's been 1 week and 2 days since the last successful import.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ali_d.

    It could've been caused by an update to the back-end of their website. Our data provider will see the errors when users try to connect to your bank and fix these connection issues in priority order. Until it is resolved, you'll have to upload your bank statements manually, as per the instructions here.

    @mickleford, could you try going through that updating process, logging off from Wave, and then logging back in. Repeat that a few times, I've seen updating issues get fixed after doing this 5 or 6 times. Let me know if that works.

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    CampoCampo Member Posts: 1

    For 1.5 weeks TD Canada trust has been failing to connect.
    I have updated my passwords and questions and cleared my cache. tried multiple PCs as well.
    Any help or updates are appreciated.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    H @Campo.

    The issue with TD Canada is a separate problem linked to the update to their website. We're currently waiting for an update from our data provider on this issue. There's a discussion on the subject in this thread.

    We'll be publishing an update in this article once we have more information.

    Until it's resolved, you will have to upload your bank statements manually.

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    @Alexia said:>
    @mickleford, could you try going through that updating process, logging off from Wave, and then logging back in. Repeat that a few times, I've seen updating issues get fixed after doing this 5 or 6 times. Let me know if that works.

    @Alexia I tried this and still no luck. I tried maybe 10-12 times. Several times when I click "update now" it would say refreshing connection for just a split second then revert back to the last updated message which now is 1 week 3 days ago.

    edited March 29, 2018
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    benabelebenabele Member Posts: 8

    @Alexia I sincerely thank you for your hard work but I've switched the QuickBooks. Best of luck with all the rest!

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    @Alexia Any other suggestions?

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    hschsc Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I am having the same problem with Chase Credit card accounts. just an fyi

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    colombiaecotravelcolombiaecotravel Member Posts: 2

    Hello everyone, I also bank with Capital One Spark and since March 7, 2018, the checking and savings accounts are not updating the transactions. The balance is updated without a problem. I've already reassigned an access code and everything. Capital One credit cards and American Express Cards are updating fine.

    Perhaps it's a global issue with Yodlee?

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    It's been 2 weeks today. It's starting to look like no one knows what is going on...

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    micklefordmickleford Member Posts: 13

    Hallelujah! It's working again! Don't know if you did anything or not, but thank you!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @mickleford. It's likely that our data provider had been working on this issue and finally solved it! Happy to hear your connection is finally working out!

    @colombiaecotravel, there's an option to check in your online banking with Capital One Spark. You have to enable the Financial Link tool. That might be the issue.

    @hsc I recommend going through the steps outlined in this post and see if it helps.

This discussion has been closed.