Removing a "ghost" transaction

magicwillmagicwill Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

I have a problem that I'd like to get feedback and tech support for. I have several clients whose books I manage through Wave. For one such client, I created asset clearing accounts for the merchant processors he uses... so that I can book his sales in the month they occur. He uploads his bank account directly to Wave and when a transfer from one of his processors hits his bank account I create a corresponding withdrawal from that processor's holding account and link it to the bank amount as a transfer.
This process ordinarily works without a hitch. Until Jan. 23rd this year. When I executed this process for a transfer of that date, Wave created an apparent duplicate withdrawal from the merchant holding account. I say "apparent" because when I run the account activity for the account the ending balance matches my records. But when I run the balance sheet or look at the balance for the account in the Transactions register, the balance is off by this "ghost" duplicate withdrawal.
To reiterate. There's only one withdrawal showing when I run the Account Transactions report. I tried deleting and re-entering this transaction. No love. When I deleted the transaction in question, the balance sheet balance showed the correct actual balance per my records... as though the transaction were still there. It's worth mentioning that when I deleted the transaction, the bank deposit amount it was linked to showed as unmatched.
This is unquestionably a Wave software glitch, which means it's not something I can resolve. My client is fortunately oblivious to all this, but I have to wonder what other quirks are lurking in the future.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @magicwill, thanks for reaching out here. I've looked into the accounts that are associated with your profile here, and it looks like a couple of them were in what we call a 'bad state'. I've gone ahead and run a verification on these businesses, and they should be fixed up for you here! Give it about an hour (call it 12pm EST today), and everything should be right as rain.

  • magicwillmagicwill Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    The problem persists. FYI. The client is Abstract Ocean, LLC. The asset account in question is Amazon Pay Holding.
    And I now have a new problem with a different client. The Pizza Plant Food Truck, LLC. I just entered a series of loan deposits as a debit to the bank account and a credit to the loan payable account. The account transaction reports for both accounts show all the amounts are there. But none of them show up on the balance sheet nor are they reflected in the Transaction register balances.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @magicwill

    Did a reflow to get your client out of the bad state! Let us know if you're still seeing errors in transactions!

  • magicwillmagicwill Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    Hi guys,
    Everything is now as it should be. Thanks.

  • joyloo124joyloo124 Member Posts: 4

    I encountered the same problem too. Please see the screenshot. Kindly help me to do the reflow, its kinda urgent. Thanks!

    and it appeared to have different "Uncategorized Income" amount at different reports. Please help. my business account login ID is

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @joyloo124

    Sorry for the delay in responding as it seems that we are quite backed up in community posts recently!

    I took a look at your account it appears that there is no disconnect happening on my end. When you select that uncategorized income transaction what do you see on your transactions page? This should route you to the transactions page showing you the uncategorized income which needs to be accounted for. Could you let us know what this transaction looks like?

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