CPA from Montreal, Quebec ! Here to help small businesses save time and go digital !

Today, traditional accounting solutions such as bookkeeping and taxes are no longer sufficient to meet the realities of SMEs. With the popularity of digital technology and the emergence of new business models, it is essential for any company to develop innovative competitive advantages. To do so, the first step is to assess the company's financial position, particularly its debt level and liquidity needs. As a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Business Valuator (CBV), my expertise will help you dig into your numbers and look for solutions to solidify your finances and better position your business against the competition. My services are an all-in-one solution.
Free consulting: Limited places available !
My services focus on
General Accounting, Taxes, Payroll and going digital
Periodic performance monitoring
Management reporting
Strategic Financial Planning
Other services: Training on request