(Easy) Change the wording"Invoice date" to "Date" on the invoice template

Pigeonwishes_LtdPigeonwishes_Ltd Member Posts: 4

Hi guys,

Could you change the wording"Invoice date" to "Date" on the invoice template.

This is because, I am using the invoice template to issue the credit memo as well to my client. It is confusing that the date is called "Invoice date" .

Plus if you issue and invoice it is not really matter to call it just "date"

please help me , this should be very easy for you, please

Many thanks.



  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Yes I agree. Or even better, if you could have a language editor, where users can choose the field text output and change it to whatever text they want displayed.


    | Invoice Date | Enter new label here |
    | Estimate | Enter new label here |


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Pigeonwishes_Ltd! Thanks for your feedback here. While I can't guarantee that this will be something Wave implements in the platform, I do appreciate your feedback and hope you can continue to be an active member of the community moving forward.

    @AccountsPro thank you for your further context here as well! Definitely appreciated.

  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    @ConnorM - my pleasure. If I remember correctly Wave already has something like this somewhere, where a field output name is changed. I would have to go explore if interested, and come back with screenshots. Let me know.

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