Deleted Transactions, Now invoice are listed as Unpaid

RedtailRedtail Member Posts: 1

I had some issues with some bank integrations doubling some expense transactions. I contacted customer support and they told me to DELETE all transactions and reupload the integrations. So I did this, page after page after page since there is no easy way to delete all transactions. And no all my invoice are listed as UNPAID minus a few? This is going back YEARS. How can I get this get this data back as no I have NO ideas when and how these invoices were paid after I was told do do this. I didn't know delete transactions there would effect my paid invoices and now I have lost years of data on my paid invoices.


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Redtail, thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with duplicate importing transactions. I see you have reached out to our Support team about this so I would encourage you to follow up with them directly to help troubleshoot this.

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