
Issues with Plaid

CliftonClifton Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

WAVE, Develop your own bank connections first! The WaveApp's weakest and most annoying deficiency is bank imports. Capital One does not import, Hancock Bank, does not import, Chase is two-three days behind with the 'new' integrator. STOP and fix what features you have that are broken! Please.

The bank connector company needs to add to their capacity to handle getting ALL transactions daily, not every couple of days. I don't care how good of a deal or whatever business-political decision was made, but when it doesn't work, free isn't even a good deal.

edited April 8, 2020 in Wave Discussion


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Clifton . I totally understand that having difficulties connecting to your bank can be frustrating. For further clarification here, Plaid supports thousands of banks. It would be incredibly difficult for Wave to build out thousands of individual and different financial connections to support the sheer number of connections that Plaid supports us with.

    For now, I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team via ticket who can help you troubleshoot your connection, and you can use Wave Connect in the meantime to get your transactions into Wave.

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    kjrickerkjricker Member Posts: 2

    PLAID has been awful. It is constantly breaking for no reason. They are true garbage. Things used to work perfectly before it was handed over to PLAID. I am highly frustrated with the terrible support they provide.

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    theflynnstertheflynnster Member Posts: 3

    We too have experienced ongoing issues with Plaid. Constant disconnections and failed reconnections. So frustrating–it totally spoils the user experience of Wave. The previous bank connector was far superior.

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