
JugsSJugsS Member Posts: 1
There is no indication if you have sent the recipt for payment.

When you go the tje invoice you can see payment date

When you send recipt can tje send recipt link change colour and a recipt sent date be added. I have to track the manuall in another spread sheet it is a pain

Over all wave is really helping



  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @JugsS thanks for providing that feedback! Can you offer some insight as to how this feature is an important part of your daily workflow? Understanding the context behind a feature gives our Product team a better idea of how our users use Wave and what other products they should be developing in the future.

    I like your idea of a spreadsheet! Another method you could use is have the receipt be emailed to you and keeping a separate folder to track all the receipts! You can do this by checking off the box at the bottom before you send a receipt.

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