Starting balance altered after setting

HGIHGI Member Posts: 2

I have a problem with Starting balance in bank account. I followed instructions (I think) and proceeded to enter info from bank statements but on review I find that in reports/account balances there is now an amount above the starting balance I entered. It's above my transaction and not editable. Puzzelled..What did I do to cause this?


  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @HGI Just checked out some details on your profile and it looks like you were able to resolve this yourself - congrats! As well, for issues that are pertaining to your specific account (especially when involving accounting!), I would recommend sending us a support ticket - this gives you personalized help and allows us to get a closer look at your account without having you provide private information over our public forum. Cheers to you for solving this issue and hope you have a great (and hopefully long!) weekend!

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