
Vendor Statement

TRobTRob Member Posts: 3

I am able to print a customer statement but can anyone tell me how or where I can print a Vendor/Supplier Statement?
In other words - a report that lists all the transactions relating to a Vendor for a selected date range showing opening and closing balance?


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    QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hi @TRob, I am afraid that there isn't a vendor statment equivalent to the Customer Statement in Wave. However, in the Reports page, there is a report titled Purchases by Vendor where you are able to see the amounts due and amounts paid for each vendor over a period of time of your choosing. Please take a look at that at your earliest convenience and feel free to let us know if that helps. If it isn't exactly what you are looking for, also feel free to give us some feedback and why having a Vendor Statement might improve the accounting workflow for your business.

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    TRobTRob Member Posts: 3

    Hi QaisE,
    Yes - that certainly helps! Thank you very much.
    I did not realise that I could click on the purchase amounts and get the detail!
    I still think that a Supplier Statement could be very useful when there is a "dispute" between oneself and the vendor and one could then print (or send) a vendor a statement of account to compare "our" records with "theirs".
    But thanks very much - for my current requirement - this report works just fine!
    Kind regards.

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