
Migrating account problem with Google sheets

PanagiotisPanagiotis Member Posts: 7

Hello everybody,

I am trying to migrate to a new Waves account and transfer as much as possible from the old one, but I am having problems transferring the products and customers through google sheets.

1. I have setup the new account, and given access to it within the old account
2. I have connected the old + new accounts through google sheets and wave connect
3. I have downloaded the products and customers from the old account
4. I try to upload the products from the old account -> new one but validation fails (see below)

---WHERE I AM STUCK---I am stuck when I try to upload the products to the new account, through google sheets.

When I try to validate the data in step 2, I get an error saying "Required Column Product Name not found".

I checked the new account (by downloading the empty "products" into a new sheet) and the title of the first column is "Name".

So I renamed the first column from the old account from "Product name" -> "Name" so it matches the new account.

I still get the same error of "Required Column Product Name not found".

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.



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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Panagiotis

    In most cases when a google input sheet is prepared for you, I would recommend not changing the template of it (ie changing the product name to name). This may not be necessary. Instead can you try this again but leave the product name and simply copy and paste the product names in your initial document into the Wave connect prepared google sheet and see if this works?

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    PanagiotisPanagiotis Member Posts: 7

    Hi @BarsinA and thanks for your reply.

    So you mean I should download an empty customer sheet from the new account, and manually copy the data from the old sheet in the appropriate columns, and then re-upload the new sheet to the new account?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Panagiotis

    1. Prepare your input sheet
    2. Open up the download customer CSV in excel (or other google template)
    3. Copy and paste only the appropriate columns into the prepared input sheet
    4. Make sure not to change any of the names of the prepared input sheet
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    PanagiotisPanagiotis Member Posts: 7

    Hi @BarsinA I managed to transfer the Products + Customers but I am stuck transferring the Invoices.

    In the old system there is only an "Invoice Total" column whereas in the new system there are "Item Name" + "Quantity" + "Unit Price" columns. So I am guessing it calculates the invoice total based on the Quantity x Unit Price.

    Problem is, the invoices are not only made up of one item. There's no way, that I can tell, to transfer the "Item Name" + "Quantity" + "Unit Price" from the old system to the new one. Is that right?

    If so, how do you recommend I handle it?

    Maybe select an "Item Name" from the list and put "Quanity" = 1 and the "Unit Price" = "Invoice Total" from the old account?

    Is this the only way or is there a better way to do it?

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    PanagiotisPanagiotis Member Posts: 7

    Hi @BarsinA did you manage to have a look at my last post?

    How can I best transfer the invoices, given that the new system handles invoices differently?

    Any help will be appreciated.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @Panagiotis

    When it comes to totals, our invoice will calculate this on it's own as long as the product has been submitted with the correct price amount. You can also add multiple items to your invoice in Wave connect by simply using the next line below for each item. See my screenshots for more info.

    You can see above that I've only selected one client, one invoice but three line items have approved below:

    If you don't input some fields, they'll likely auto-populate on the invoice itself.

    Hopefully this answers your questions!

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    PanagiotisPanagiotis Member Posts: 7

    Hi @BarsinA, in the end it's more work to transfer them via google sheets, than it is to do it manually.

    I have two more questions.

    1. Is there a way to export the bills?
    2. I understand the old system will be valid until end of May. What happens to the old one after that? Is it still available in my account, but as read-only? Or is it deleted completely?

    Thanks again.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Panagiotis

    I'll answer your questions in a similar order as your post

    1. Unfortunately there is no way to export a bill in wave officially, however a workaround some people use would be to select file (at the top of your browser) > print > save as PDF.

    1. Unless your account is unable to be migrated then it will show up as a read only. However some of our long term users who've received an email saying that we cannot migrate them over are unfortunately forced to close their account and import their transactions into a newly created Wave account.

    Hopefully this answers your questions!

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