
Duplicate Estimate

danedane Member Posts: 6

I know this is something that has been asked before, but let me open the scope of its importance.


For customers of Wave who have a large number of stock codes, the configurations maybe are repetitively grouped together. To prevent having to re-add all the items that exist on another estimate over and over seems like an improvement worth making. (Like computer configurations from components)


My request is to have one additional menu option under "More" when viewing an estimate that simply says "Duplicate" or something to indicate a "Create New from this"

Then it can start a new estimate in draft, ready to be edited.


I think this is a marvellously quick implementation that will open wave to more commercial customers that have to repeat this process hourly. AND it doesn't compromise the minimalistic design that made me jump from Quickbooks to Wave.



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    Kevin KellyKevin Kelly Member Posts: 1

    It would be nice if you could duplicate an estimate. It would save time when creating multiple similar estimates. This feature is available on invoices so why not add it to estimates as well. It would be a great feature.

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    JenHopfJenHopf Member Posts: 18
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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hey Kevin, Jenna! :) We know that for some businesses, creating an estimate is an important part of your sales cycle and this might mean that you have to create thema lot. Great feedback, thank you!

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    kristenkristen Member Posts: 1

    upvote from me!

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    danedane Member Posts: 6

    Duplicating draft invoices doesn't help; before that becomes an answer from anyone.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @dane!

    Although I can't promise it will be implemented, I can tell you that input from users like yourself counts for a lot in the way we choose what new features to build for Wave.

    And you're right to say it's been requested a few times before. There was just a discussion under another category, I recommended they come here to add their voices to yours.

    You mentioned computer configuration. Is that what your business offers?

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    chrisPchrisP Member Posts: 1

    This would be a welcome addition.

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    andr3yandr3y Member Posts: 3
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @chrisP and @andr3y.

    Could you tell us a bit more about how your use estimates in the context of your specific businesses and how the ability to duplicate them would make your life easier? The more details we can gather about this, the better!

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    pianomannnnnnpianomannnnnn Member Posts: 1

    +1 - please add duplicating estimates. Really miss this after moving from another accounting platform. It is a pain to start from scratch for each estimate for similar projects.

    edited April 2, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for adding your voice to this, @pianomannnnnn!

    Do you typically do similar projects that require estimates? I'm curious to know just how big the impact of this would be on your specific business.

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    Erin_CErin_C Member Posts: 1

    +1 - please add! We use Wave for an amateur sports club and we send out estimates to every athlete at the beginning of the season, and then send a final invoice once we settle all expenses. Most athletes are paying the same amount so creating a brand new estimate every time is time consuming.

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    pasintpasint Member Posts: 1
      1. Recreating estimates is a real waste of time and implementing the ability to duplicate is surely a very light feature to implement!
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @Erin_C and @pasint for adding to this conversation.

    I can't speak to how easy it would be to implement a feature like this one, but I guarantee that if it was a simple and quick thing to add, we would've added it already. While it isn't in our current immediate plans to work on improving the Estimates page, we do hear you and we are paying attention.

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    Ally_rauDesignAlly_rauDesign Member Posts: 3

    This is a little harsh but it's an era of UX design. I can't imagine the developers do not acknowledge that many small businesses create similar estimates all the time. An estimate that can be done in seconds on other platform (that involves duplicate, change client name and date) takes half an hour on Wave. There are threads after threads on this topic but I hope Wave start to value customer input and not building things in their own world.

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    RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    @dane Thanks for the feedback and thanks to all the others on this thread as well. We do value the feedback you provide. You mention similar projects or similar work that's quoted or invoiced for. How often are the items and details identical vs. you needing to modify the descriptions and prices from estimate to estimate?

    I ask because I want to dig in more to understand if duplication solves the problem, or if exploring a saved product sets or saved templates of groups do more to help save you time and energy. When you have many estimates, how do you know which is the one you want to duplicate? Is it the last one you created or do you have to remember who did the work for and then go find it and duplicate it?

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    JohnCSHomesJohnCSHomes Member Posts: 4

    Some of us use estimate that never become invoices. sometimes these estimates are very similar. it would be great if there was a way to save the line items in them.
    for example we sell homes, it would be great to have that line item, the deliver, the setup, the hook ups all saved in an estimate so i can change the amount on the estimate and then send to customer.
    currently it looks like i have to make a new one with all of these items. this is not a good use of my time.
    if i could make a template estimate, save it and hten had the ability to duplicate i could add, delete or modify the stuff that was in these blocks and it would be great.

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    JohnCSHomesJohnCSHomes Member Posts: 4

    @Ally_rauDesign said:
    An estimate that can be done in seconds on other platform (that involves duplicate, change client name and date) takes half an hour on Wave.


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    RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    Thanks for the additional feedback and clarity @JohnCSHomes

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    Rick_ASC_NetworkingRick_ASC_Networking Member Posts: 1

    I create Managed IT service packages and offer cloud subscriptions for a monthly fee. My estimates never or rarely change. It would be great to duplicate them and just change the client name and date. Hoping this feature comes soon.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for adding your voice to this discussion, @Rick_ASC_Networking!

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    andycandyc Member Posts: 2

    This is an absolute must for my business.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @andyc.

    Can you tell us a bit more about your business and how you use estimates? The more information you can give us, the better we'll be able to understand how important this feature is for your business and how it could impact the work of other Wavers.

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    andycandyc Member Posts: 2


    I run a digital consultancy and it is often the case that I need to quote on multiple package options. This usually involves adding or removing add-on services and products to "core" estimates. Having to recreate these over and over is laborious.

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    E2EHealthE2EHealth Member Posts: 1

    I also run a consulting business and it is very common to have to quote the same services and terms for each department in a company. It is really annoying to have to re-enter the exact same information for the estimates. Definitely in support of a duplicate estimate option.

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    danedane Member Posts: 6

    @Alexia @Rahim I don't understand why you are canvassing for use-case scenarios and seem to think that this isn't a very quick implementation? I think that the lack of agility in response to customers is what can cripple a tech company. I had to make my own decision for the sake of our existing business to not go with Wave simply on this single feature (we are on a paid-for solution now which is sufficient simply because the estimates don't have to be recreated every time).


    Electrical component store: Customer #1 wants a set of components for a robotic arm. The tedious effort of creating an estimate isn't so tedious first time around. The estimate is printed; possibly accepted & the sale is concluded.

    Customer #2 walks in requesting the same set of components (let's say there at 17 individual items). Now since this is a small business, the store man knows he quoted this recently & easily finds the quotation from the history, being able to identify the set of components at a glance (possibly with a line item as a comment saying "ROBOT ARM GEN X"). Now this business entrepreneur who opted for WAVE, is unable to simply duplicate this estimate & must re-select all the previous items.

    Customer #3 comes in, waits for customer #2 to be done because it will take a while. He requests the same set of robot arm components, but with one change: a stronger servo. Now the store owner wishes he could simply duplicate the estimate & change the single item, but alas a-flippin-lak... he/she can't.

    Pool Cleaner: Philip was so happy since he launched his pool maintenance special for summer. He has 25 customers who all bought his ALL-IN-WONDER packaged special. He is including labour, some chlorine, an algaecide bomb & sun-tan lotion. The first home pool is done - he whips out his phone to create an estimate. He must type out all the items on the special.

    It is day 15. Poor Philip is so sick of re-typing the estimates with all the items that remain unchanged. Sure he would be happy with a "group" item code that he could just punch in with all the items he listed previously like they do in quickbooks; but really he just thought adding a button that says "duplicate this estimate" with the ability to change the customer would be a walk in the park for even the laziest developer...

    But the developers just want more use cases & keep typing on the forums like robots & more people become frustrated, thinking that if THIS BASIC FEATURE can't be added, what about the future extensibility of committing to the WAVE platform?

    So, like Philip, without further arguing with the wave community... he switches to excel or google sheets & manages his little business so much better; but mostly because he can copy-paste an estimate.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you both for adding to this discussion, @andyc and @E2EHealth. Your feedback is so valuable to us, thank you for taking the time to share.

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    arashd23arashd23 Member Posts: 2

    Hello, I'd like to piggyback off all the requests for the ability to duplicate. I supply building materials for large-scale construction projects and will work with the same client on separate occasions. The specific scenario that I'm currently in, which lead me to find this thread, is a client that will be getting all the same items, but it will be for two different hotel locations. Meaning, I need to provide two different estimates with almost all of the information remaining the same. To me, this is very inefficient and something I would have thought would've been a part of Wave from the jump. Being new to Wave, I have liked everything else that I've used, although that hasn't been that much. I've used the invoice aspect and it has worked well so far. I would hate to have to try another platform, so I am hoping this is something that your dev team will push through. Thank you for your time, Arash.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @arashd23.

    I'm happy to hear you're liking most of what you've seen so far! I'll be sure to pass your comments along. Thank you for sharing.

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    10bthembi10bthembi Member Posts: 1

    Hi I would definitely appreciate this feature as I have clients who want quotes for exactly the same thing as I am into events so I have to literally sit and retype a past quote. I would also appreciate being able to quote on the mobile app. Otherwise I am loving Wave.

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