Do I need to delete the Wave MSP entry ?

RoKaRoKa Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

(1)It seems like the transaction was reconciled (?) but then the deposit was imported from my connected bank account, and that entry needs to be deleted.

I am still learning, I am not too confident this is the right way.
deposit + fees = Invoice

(2)Seems similar with the situation where you mark an invoice as paid immediately ( paid by cheque, no fees ) then the transaction shows later, gets imported in Wave and that entry needs to be deleted. In this situation the sum is identical with the invoice where the case above the numbers differ, hence a bit of hesitation.
deposit = Invoice

Thank you !


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @KanataPhotographer.

    You're absolutely right. In the first case, you'll delete the transaction uploaded through your bank connection, since it doesn't account for merchant fees. Using the transactions generated by Wave will save you some extra work.

    In the second case, I would recommend waiting until the money shows up in your bank account, and categorizing the transaction uploaded through the bank connection as "Payment for an Invoice made in Wave". Once you choose the specific invoice, Wave will mark that invoice as paid and won't create a new transaction.

    We're working on better tools to make the whole process of consolidating duplicate transactions like in these situations a little easier, but they aren't quite ready yet. So stay tuned! Until then, you are absolutely on the right track.

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