Capability to search in invoice

CurtCurt Member Posts: 2

Is their way to search the contents of invoices. I routinely need to find an old invoice for a project and often don't remember who the payee is. Its a pain in the A** to find them because your invoices are not searchable. If I could search for notes I put into the invoice or for my own Job Number it would be tremendously helpful. Can't understand why you don't have a robust search function.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Curt! Thanks for reaching out here. I'm sorry to let you know that unfortunately this is not something that is currently possible within this build of Wave. Your context and your feedback here is really solid to have, and we definitely appreciate it.

  • MBiTMBiT Member Posts: 5

    I am with Curt's feelings above.

    _> @Curt said:

    Is their way to search the contents of invoices. I routinely need to find an old invoice for a project and often don't remember who the payee is. Its a pain in the A** to find them because your invoices are not searchable. If I could search for notes I put into the invoice or for my own Job Number it would be tremendously helpful. Can't understand why you don't have a robust search function.

    I have looked around and there has been plenty conversation/demand for searching features in Invoices, estimates and payments.  Since this seems to not be on anyone's list at Wave to resolve PLEASE consider this solution that would benefit all of us.

    Wave, PLEASE create a WAVE PRO PLUGIN program...  People can pay Wave for plugins if they want them enabled in their account.  A PLUGIN-PAY Model..

    This plugin could be called Wave Search Pro - adding real search features to sections like invoicing, estimates, customers and payments.

    My company would gladly pay extra each month for WAVE PRO PLUGINS that would save our company plenty of wasted time clicking on each invoice just to locate information needed.  I am not sure how the existing search feature has so few variables for searching to begin with but it looks like that is not motivating a solution.  The "PLUGIN PAY" Model would get many of us the search capabilities we would love to have and Wave would have more revenue stream to pay for the plugins to keep coming.  H&R Block (Wave's owner) would surely see this as a good business solution if these messages made it to the right persons.

    Please Wave take this seriously.. Your product could be so much more amazing with the absence of these incredibly painful omissions in features.  You all claim to want to provide a better way to support small business owners.  

    Your staff often ask what real world need these features would resolve and I have links from your own site that give great examples:

    Reference Links related to customers requesting search features:

    Alternatively, if any of you Wave API developers know how a search feature could be created I am open to suggestions. 

    Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to others commenting on this subject as well.


    edited January 10, 2021
  • MyriadMyriad Member Posts: 1

    This is useless to me if I need to open 1 invoice at a time to find it's Job number. how can it be difficult to add?

  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi everyone, thanks so much for sharing your feedback as well as how this feature would be helpful to you specifically! At this time there is no update on the addition of this feature but our team of Developers will be able to see your ideas and the support from other Wave users here. Please feel free to share any other feedback or ideas with us!

  • BlindOxInstallsBlindOxInstalls Member Posts: 2

    Please consider adding the search by PO option in the next update. It would make life so much easier when looking for specific invoices and applying payments. Most builders and contractors refer to PO#s rather than PO#s

  • actreatactreat Member Posts: 1

    Yes, please add the ability to search the Invoice Summary information. Often times we have the same Customer will pay for multiple different types of jobs and currently we can't search for those by the job name (which we put in the Summary field).

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