
Wave applications Not supported Estimates

RibierRibier Member Posts: 21

Big Greeting to Wave Team,

Thanks, Wave for everything it's very good,

And I have already download Wave applications which is very good working very good but I cannot see my Estimates I cannot create a new one I think you have to put this optional if this is possible because it will help so many people to use more all Wave services.


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ribier , to confirm, you're having issues accessing old estimates and creating new ones? Are you able to ensure that you're on Chrome or Firefox as a browser when trying to do so?

    Let us know as we'd be happy to look into this further for you.

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    RibierRibier Member Posts: 21

    hi @AlexL , Thanks for responding

    1- But I cannot create Estimates From the mobile application.

    2- I cannot add the discount inside the estimates or invoice.

    I think it should be a discount and promotion option in the wave Available It's will be pretty good

    Everything is okay when I create new estimates or invoice, I use Safari and Chrome.

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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @Ribier Thanks for those details. Our Invoices App for mobile currently does not support Estimates. For your second issue, are you getting an error message when trying to add the discount? Any negatively priced item should be ok to add to an invoice/estimate. If you are, can you provide a screenshot of the entire page showing the error you get? Feel free to remove any personal information from the screenshot before posting!

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    RibierRibier Member Posts: 21

    Greeting to you @NicoletteB thanks for your response, my dear.

    Actually I can't see the discount? Option, please check this screenshot


    I'm sure the wave team makes everything to be best.


    edited April 30, 2020
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    Kristian_GKristian_G Member Posts: 56 admin

    Hey @Ribier,

    Thanks for the screenshots! If you'd like to apply discounts to your Estimates and/or Invoices, what you'll need to do is click on the "add an item" button (for invoices), or "add a line" button (for estimates). Doing so will allow you add a new item right from the invoice/estimate, which will also get updated on your Products/Services list.

    Once you click the button, you'll need to enter a name for the new item. You can use whatever name you want, but it should be fairly obvious. "Discount" would be a good option in this case, but feel free to change it up to your preference.

    After you've added this "discount" item to the invoice/estimate, you may enter a description (optional) and a price. For the price, simply enter a negative value, or a value in parentheses. For e.g., if you wanted to apply a $10 discount, you'd enter "-$10" or ($10.00).

    Once this has done, the discount amount will be subtracted from the total.

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    RibierRibier Member Posts: 21

    Greeting to you @Kristian_G,

    Thanks for the clarification,
    But unfortunately, that didn't work and I think the discount should be clear and easy to use

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ribier! Can you please explain how that didn't work? I'd love to know what your workflow is so we can work together on this!

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    RibierRibier Member Posts: 21

    Greeting to you @Kristian_G
    Yes I can add the discount it's lack of product or lack item but it's look something wrong I will send you to attach file look at to picture what is different.

    It's Show me the Discount with the item Column
    it's wrong،
    It must be shown the total in subtotal.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Ribier

    Thanks for this additional feedback. Currently our system does not show you a total discount on the amount. My apologies for this inconvenience. Our team is investigating the bets way to handle discounts moving forward with future updates! We appreciate you reaching out over our community!

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    RibierRibier Member Posts: 21

    Greeting to you, @BarsinA

    Thanks for your response and I hope this option it's will be available near future

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