
Looking for a Bookkeeper/accountant for small jewelry biz

rayfancycollectionrayfancycollection Member Posts: 1

Hello looking for someone to:

-re-setup my wave account for the new 2018 year and get everything in order.

-keep track of my books

-file monthly tax returns

-end of year / income tax

I am not good with finances at all so this will take a lot of pressure off of me. Can be virtual or located in Charleston, SC


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    magicwillmagicwill Member Posts: 37 ✭✭


    I'm an accountant of 30+ years experience, in private practice since 2011. While my practice focuses on start-ups and emerging businesses, my career encompasses clients ranging from sole proprietors to Fortune 500 corporations. I work virtually with clients from coast to coast and across the globe.

    I've been a Wave Pro adviser since 2013 and currently count ten Wave businesses among my clientele.Should you wish to discuss your needs in further detail, I may be contacted via e-mail at willsaddler48@yahoo.com.

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    TaxLabTaxLab Member Posts: 22

    https://community.waveapps.com/profile/rayfancycollection, I'm in VA. But we can still work something out if needed. Best of luck to all.

    edited January 17, 2018
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