Do Deletions Inside WAVE Effect Your Account

John108John108 Member Posts: 1

Have a silly question here, but I was wondering if deleting a transaction in Wave deletes it in my actual connected bank account records, should I log in and view the account transactions through my bank. For example, let say I go to the grocery store and pay $50 with a debit card. I see that transaction on Wave, but it's not deductible, so I choose to erase it in Wave. Would that record also be erased in my bank account?

I'm assuming that it doesn't but thought I'd ask. There's many transactions that I'd like to be deleting from Wave on a monthly basis, but want to make sure there's still record of them in my bank account.


  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @John108 It's always good to double check! To answer, nope - deleting transactions in Wave will only affect your Wave accounts. Anything accounting related in Wave will have no bearing on your bank accounts or records of your bank transactions.

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