
Add/Remove tax not working

nebroxnebrox Member Posts: 1

Hi! In the app, I've added a tax definition. I want to remove it because it is incorrect. There is no obvious way to do this. Please help.


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @nebrox and Welcome to the Wave Community Forum! It sounds as though you are looking to remove a sales tax. Can you clarify if you mean removing a tax from a transaction that you have added it to, or removing the tax as a whole since it is incorrect. My hunch says the latter and in which case, you can navigate to Settings > Accounting> Sales Taxes. Once there, you should be able to select the trash can icon beside the Sales Tax to permanently delete it. Give this a try and if you run into any issues along the way, feel free to let me know about it here! Happy to help! :)

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