BriannaBBriannaB Member Posts: 3


I have had some issues that prevented me from filing for multiple years and I have other previous yers I need to amend. Likely a total of 9 years between old and new. Can I just enter every receipt and it will start to file and sort and be able to pull reports by year?


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BriannaB and welcome to Wave's Community Forum! Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you and I'll be happy to provide some insight! If you are looking to start using Wave, one part of what you will need to account for is adding in expenses. You can definitely upload your receipts into Wave as a starting point. Once the receipt is uploaded then Wave will create an accounting transaction for you as well. These transactions make up your reports, but will require you to categorize what the transactions were for. You'll then do the same thing for your income as well.

    It sounds like you might be a novice at accounting, which is why we are to help! I'd recommend taking a look at a resource that Wave has created to help you get started and understand some of the accounting principles. You can find the Fearless Accounting Guide here: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/846/new-fearless-accounting-with-wave-guide-take-control-of-your-accounting/p1?new=1

  • BriannaBBriannaB Member Posts: 3
    Hi Jordan,

    Thank you for the info. I’m not really a novice as I have used Neat Receipts in the past but I really just need to know if all years can be entered, then categorized and reports printed or if I have to do year by year?
  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @BriannaB Yes, you can enter in all your receipts, categorize them and then print reports - we don't specifically gatekeep our accounting program that you need to enter in your receipts in a specific fashion such as yearly, monthly etc.

  • BriannaBBriannaB Member Posts: 3
    Thank you Nicolette!
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