
Royalties and co-production payments in music and movies

FilmmakerFilmmaker Member Posts: 9

Hi waves specialists.
I have a question regarding a particular case.
I've made a movie with people that have worked for a % of the benefice.
Actors, technicians...etc.
Some of them have companies, so they can invoice, some of them don't.
How can I pay these ones?
Can I send out a payment without an invoice?
Can they be considered receiving royalties?
My company is in the UK but they are in different countries.

Thanks in advance.

All the best. :smile:



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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Filmmaker! Thanks for reaching out here! Great question. As far as tracking payments for royalties to those involved in the film, you may want to check in with an accountant to see what the best way of paying these out/tracking these would be. If they can invoice you, that's fantastic, but you might want to discuss with those particular people what the most appropriate way for these payments to be set up is!

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    FilmmakerFilmmaker Member Posts: 9

    Thanks ConnorM, I've heard from an accounting forum that individual can also invoice and that maybe the bank statement could be enough...

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