Transaction description under "Reports" view does not match description in "Transactions" view

LittleFishLittleFish Member Posts: 9

I wish to export all of the transactions under Owner Drawings into Excel in alphabetical order, so I changed all of the descriptions in Transaction view to facilitate this.
However when I go into Reports view of the ledger account, the changes I have made are not there - it still contains the original descriptions as per the bank upload.
What can I do? Pretty urgent - on a deadline.

edited March 23, 2018 in Accounting Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @LittleFish.

    This is a known issue. For some users, changes made to transaction descriptions don't show up in the Account Transactions report. We are working on a fix, but I don't have a timeline yet on when this will be resolved.

    Our engineers are hard at work, however, and I'll keep you updated here as I get more information.

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