Entering purchase transactions

covflyercovflyer Member Posts: 15

Help! When I enter a purchase transaction it goes through as a withdrawal, but when I try to reconcile my bank statement it has suddenly become a credit, so my difference is twice the Wave balance, if that makes sense? Also that when I import my transactions from my bank statement, they go into the debit column which is where I believe they belong!


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @covflyer and welcome to Wave's Community Forum! Are you able to fill me in on how you are uploading your statement into Wave? It sounds as though you are using the Wave Statement Importer and if so, are you able to post a line of what your statement looks like? Feel free to use a fake title for the description, but understanding the formatting that you are using would help me to understand if it is an error in the way that our Statement uploader is reading the information

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