Showed a reduced rate/price as a donation

gcrucegcruce Member Posts: 1


I use Wave as a marketing agency. I'm looking to take on a project as a goodwill effort, and will be donating most of my time for building a website and a discounted hosting rate in the future.

The arrangement is that the client will pay for any hard costs I incur (website assets such as photos or themes), but I will donate all labor. After the site is built, I will donate a portion of the ongoing hosting and upkeep (normally $50/mo, but reduced to $15/mo).

How can I use Wave to track the donation portion? I have created a "Charitable Donations" in my chart of accounts - but when I create an invoice, it only shows previous products. How can I fill the "Charitable Donations" expense with the value I am donating, both for the website and for future ongoing hosting?


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @gruce and welcome to Wave's Community Forum! Firstly, the fact that you are willing to do that work out of goodwill is extremely impressive and shows a great deal of your character - especially in these times! Thank you for helping others :)

    In terms of donation tracking, Wave was not actually built with this in mind because of the nuances for how these sorts of tasks are tracked. When you say, "How can I use Wave to track the donation portion?" are you asking about how to complete the appropriate accounting for this in terms of creating the entries? If so, this would actually be a better question for an accountant. As this would likely have impact on your year end filings and also because the Support Team are not accountants here, we can't necessarily speak to how to create the entries but could potentially speak to how you could complete a specific action in Wave. In terms of the invoicing, it sounds as though you would be invoicing your client for reimbursable expenses in which case this other discussion might be helpful for you to check out:

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