
Individual line item tax

LadySinazLadySinaz Member Posts: 1

I have found that when I am entering bills because the tax is added on each line vs calculating at the end of the invoice/bill the numbers are off by anywhere from a penny to a few cents. Is there a way to change this or do I have to work around my adding a line item to minus however much off it is?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @LadySinaz. As it stands right now there isn't another option in terms of adding taxes to the subtotal rather than individual line items. You will need to continue using the work around for the time being until there is something that's implemented down the line which would allow you to add the taxes to the subtotal instead (we currently do not have anything planned to add this feature to our Bills section).

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    Cheart99Cheart99 Member Posts: 4

    Can you tell me your work around? I encountered this same issue and it is a nightmare on the CRA side.

    How did Wave NOT do the standard tax based on subtotal which is done in Canada first? This beyond boggles my mind. It screws up my book keeping over time as well as the book keeping of my customers. I think I need to rethink using wave for my invoicing now.

    @LadySinaz said:
    I have found that when I am entering bills because the tax is added on each line vs calculating at the end of the invoice/bill the numbers are off by anywhere from a penny to a few cents. Is there a way to change this or do I have to work around my adding a line item to minus however much off it is?

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