
How to enter percentage of Sales Tax in TransactionCreateSalesTaxInput

TeruTeru Member Posts: 5

I'm currently using moneyDepositTransactionCreate to insert transactions to my Wave Account. Sometimes I might want to update the Amount manually after inserted. However, I noticed that the tax amount doesn't update. I'm suspecting that it is because the tax amount is set as a float value. Is there a way that the tax amount would expect the item amount?


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Teru

    When I create a transaction in my Wave account and select a tax, you can see the amount of tax broken down on the transaction:

    I then update the transaction amount and you can see the change has taken affect.

    I might need a bit more info on your steps as well as some potential screenshots of the error. What is your process exactly since Wave does have multiple ways to insert your transactions, but from your Wave transactions page you should be able to manipulate it there!

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    TeruTeru Member Posts: 5

    I used the moneyDepositTransactionCreate API to insert the transaction to Wave.

    Here is the screenshot of the transaction that got inserted.

    Original total is $13.65. Then I updated the total to $14.00. You can see from the screenshot that the sales tax amount stayed as $0.65 and only the amount before sales tax is updated.

    I believe this is because the API only allowed an fixed amount as the tax.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Teru,

    Your assumption is correct - when transactions are created via the API, Wave accepts the given tax and does not try to recalculate it.

    This is important - different systems sometimes calculate tax slightly differently, usually due to whether they round at the line item level or total transaction level. If you have an external, transactional system calculating charges, those become a matter of 'fact', and it is essential that Wave matches the tax calculated by your transactional system; even if it happens to be incorrect.

    If you do want to change the tax once in Wave, click the 'Reset all manual tax override' link.

    Hope that helps.

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