
Province code error to create customer by API

ManishPatelManishPatel Member Posts: 12

I developed WooCommerce Wave Connector WordPress plugin which Sync data between WooCommerce and Wave. When I create customer by API, I get province code error for many countries province.
When I got province code error again and again then I checked in Wave, I created a customer in Wave web interface and I set customer's country South Africa and province North-west then after I called API for get a customer and I got province code value Null.
Similarly many province codes of different countries not updated on Wave API and some province codes did not match with the WooCommerce province code.
Can you please fix province code problem?
Until not fixed this problem, Can you please provide your province code list?
Can you inform me when this problem will be fixed?


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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @ManishPatel,

    In terms of knowing what Wave considers valid province codes, I have answered a similar question here. You can query the GraphQL API's Country resource.

    We have been trying to follow the ISO 3166 standard where possible.

    For the North-West province of South Africa, the correct code looks to be ZA-NW.

    You mention a specific customer returns an error for you. Can you direct message me the customer id please.

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    joshuadavidladickjoshuadavidladick Member Posts: 1

    I am having this problem but not while writing an API, just a regular ZAP. The Country Code is "US" and I set the Province to "US-OH." This is the proper code for ISO-3166, so I am not sure what else to try.

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