Hidden Profit and Loss Line Item

JTosteeJTostee Member Posts: 5


On my Profit and Loss statement it shows that there is an income of X amount, but when I click on that line item to show what transactions make up that amount there are no transactions visible.

The item is just no where and i cant see what is causing this and it is effecting my profit and loss.

Please kindly assist. Thank you


  • JTosteeJTostee Member Posts: 5

    As you can see from the below screenshots, I have run the profit and loss for 1 day period and there is a negative income. However, if I run the transactions for the same day period there is no transaction for that negative amount that appears on the profit and loss statement.

  • JTosteeJTostee Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Alexia are you able to help with this please?

    Kind regards

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @JTostee

    It appears that some of your Wave pages might not be communicating with each other, and this is why you are seeing discrepancies in the numbers between different pages.

    I have gone ahead and run what we call a "reflow" on your account. This is a back end process that will ensure that your account is in a good state and that all the numbers presented to you are accurate.

    If the reflow is triggered and the account appears to be in a bad state. The system will automatically work behind the scenes to get your account back to a good place.

    Reach out if you're still having any issues with your numbers!

  • JTosteeJTostee Member Posts: 5

    @BarsinA thank you very much and it all seems to be working now. Much appreciated.

  • MrsThorntonMrsThornton Member Posts: 7


    I believe that I need a "reflow" ran on my account as well because I am having the same issue. I have already sent an email and I received a response to re-categorize the transactions and but the transactions are not there to recatergorize. Can you please assist me with this as well.


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @MrsThornton

    I took a look at your account and I wasn't able to find a need for reflow. I see you have an open ticket with Nancy. She will be super helpful if we need to escalate your case to a developer or for investigating this issue. Let us know what the resolution for this was once your ticket has been closed!

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