CSV importing issue

GKTAXGKTAX Member Posts: 7

the figures in excel are getting multiplied by 1,000


  • GKTAXGKTAX Member Posts: 7

    all my figures are getting multiplied by 1,000 when i import CSV file into the system. This has become nightmare as i have to edit 1,000 of entries manually

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @GKTAX , just to be clear, this means that for example a transaction that states you have a deposit of $1 becomes a deposit of $1000? Let me know.

    I'd suggest trying our Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect which should make it easier for you to get these transactions into Wave.

  • GKTAXGKTAX Member Posts: 7

    Now i fixed the issue. the Wave system does not accept three decimal digits. Wave should consider as there are few currencies which have three decimal digits.

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