Need to Snapshot my Accounting file before Downloading new Data

IntellectMarketingIntellectMarketing Member Posts: 1

I need to verify connections to credit card and banking accounts and see what data is being imported. I would like to backup my active account before testing the downloads. Is there a way of taking a Snapshot of my current GL and being able to roll it back if the import causes problems?


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @IntellectMarketing! Thanks for reaching out here. While I do see that you'd had a conversation with our support team, I will reiterate for any Community member who is also curious:

    Unfortunately there is not way in Wave to take a snapshot and restore a backup. I am sorry for the inconvenience here.

    When you can do is use Wave Connect as an alternative!

    Wave Connect allows you to upload or download transactional data, invoices, customer lists, etc, into a Google spreadsheet. Your excel files can be easily transferred into a Google Spreadsheet as well. See this image below of what Wave Connect looks like:

    All you need to do is input the transactional information into a template that is generated through the add-on feature in Google sheets and it auto-populates right into your Wave account once you've validated the data.

    To learn more about this integration, including how to set it up, I recommend visiting this Help Center article on the topic.

    You can also use our bulk delete tool to bulk delete and transaction which are not necessary.

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