Bank Connection

Douglas_63Douglas_63 Member Posts: 3

I'm in the US and joined wave this past April at that time I connected all my banking information and it was fine up until 5 days ago when it stopped. I've gone to my connected accounts in my Wave app but "reconnect" is not an option. Should I delete my bank connection then reconnect? I'm at a loss for what to do.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Douglas_63! I can see here that you'd managed to get in contact with our support team via ticket recently. I'm glad it looks like everything's back to normal! Please let us know if we can help further!

  • SamuelStevensonSamuelStevenson Member Posts: 5

    I'm having this same problem. What did you do to fix your situation, @Douglas_63?

  • Douglas_63Douglas_63 Member Posts: 3

    After being patient as Wave suggest's I think I gave 5 days of not updating my banks transactions, I sent an e mail to a Wave associate which replied saying she would look into it further. When I got home from work that same day the problem was solved and the associate from Wave e mailed me and said it was on their end and that it was being taken care of.hope your issue is taken care of in a timely manner. Let me know how you make out.

  • Douglas_63Douglas_63 Member Posts: 3

    Hi ConnorM, yes sir your Wave team was very efficient in helping me get my issue resolved, thanks for reaching out.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SamuelStevenson! Because of the complex nature of bank connections, The Wave Community Forum proves to not be the most effective way to provide support for Bank Connections. If you navigate to any of our Bank Connection Articles in the Help Center, you should find a link to get in touch with our Support Team through Email. They should be able to help you in a similar way that Douglas_63 got help! :)

  • SamuelStevensonSamuelStevenson Member Posts: 5

    Turns out the issue for us was on our credit union's end of things. They forced a scheduled password reset without informing us. And since the Wave connection to the bank requires username and password, the connection broke. It's all fixed now.

    edited June 17, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @SamuelStevenson

    Glad to hear your connection is up and running! Let us know if you have any other questions about your account or if you notice further bank connection issues, please file a ticket with our support team who have more insight into the connection status and will be able to file a ticket with our third party data aggregator, Plaid.

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