Uncategorized Income Frustrations

vvesciovvescio Member Posts: 1

Hi there, So i've had this issue for a while now. As I invoice and record the invoice payments the income is categorized correctly, however, the actual deposit from the payment is recorded as an uncategorized income inflating my overall income by doubling it! So the Payment is in the account twice almost every time.

how do i fix this? is there a way to consolidate them? they are also NOT completely identical so it makes it hard for me to locate the "duplicates" or Uncategorized. I have reached out to technical support but have receive no responses.

Any insight with this will be very helpful.

Thanks :-)


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @vvescio, thanks for reaching out here! I can see that the Support team had reached back out to you over the ticket you'd opened! Glad to see you were able to find a potential solution.

  • GRevampGRevamp Member Posts: 2

    I'm having the same issue. What is the solution?

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Typically when you receive a deposit and are using the invoicing in Wave you need to categorize the deposit as a payment for an invoice. If you record a payment of invoice from the invoice menu you will get a double counting. The sale and the deposit.

  • squ1sm_squ1sm_ Member Posts: 2

    Same issue here! Please advise.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @squ1sm_ !

    To clarify, are you marking your invoices as paid manually while also having a bank connection that automatically imports your transactions as well? If so, Mike's suggestion here is correct. If you have a bank connection importing your transactions, there is no need to mark the invoice as paid manually via the Sales > Invoices page. Instead, all you have to do is head over to your Transactions page, locate the invoice payment deposit transaction and categorize it as Payment received for an invoice in Wave and select the invoice in question. Once this is done, your invoice under Sales > Invoices will automatically be marked as paid. The same workflow applies if you import your transactions manually.

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