Is there a limit to number of "Ready" status receipts?

I have a Personal account and I have a lot of receipts uploaded showing "Ready" status. Is there any risk that there will be too many--or from too long ago--and they will start disappearing? (Followup question: Is there any way to post them to accounting en masse?)
Hey @ETL! Thanks for reaching out here. The good news is that there's no limit to those 'Ready' receipts within Wave! The bad news is that there is unfortunately also no way to post these to the accounting section en masse.
@ConnorM, I also have a personal account and had several months-worth of uploaded receipts still in the ready status due to not being able to work with them because of recent health issues. Now that I am able to catch up, I discovered the new format for transactions. I am not finding the receipts that I had left in the ready status in the old format. Can you point me in the right direction or did these get lost in the transition? Thanks.
What new format is this? And are you on mobile or desktop? I scan my receipts using the mobile app and I can still see years of receipts when I scroll down the Review tab.
What new format is this? And are you on mobile or desktop? I scan my receipts using the mobile app and I can still see years of receipts when I scroll down the Review tab.
I'm referring to the changes mentioned in the June 14, 2021 update where receipts are now under Transactions instead of Purchases:
Wave has launched a new version of the receipts feature and has retired the original receipts feature set and mobile application. This page will introduce you to the new experience, how to best leverage the new feature for a variety of situations, as well as which areas of the original feature have been retired. (Read more at
I'm on a desktop (iMac) and—for the majority of the time using Wave—have drug and dropped receipt images into the Receipts page that was located under Purchases. It had three statuses—Processing (while uploading), Ready (after uploading) and Done (after editing and categorizing). I'm not seeing any of these now, other than when I go to older transactions that I had previously completed and marked as reviewed,
I do have the Receipts APP but have not used it since first beginning with Wave. I looked under the review tab just now. Some of the receipts I'm looking for are there, but not nearly all that I had uploaded.
@ETL — See reply above
@SteveKlusmeyer I see what you're saying now - I didn't even realize they'd made that change. I'm also missing the majority of my Ready receipts, although the page you linked does say "The most important thing to know is that no data will be lost through this transition." It also says OCR has been retired, so I think I'll jump ship. Shame that Wave discontinued one of their most useful features. I'm looking at the instructions to Export Receipts right now.